Hi, when a females belly feels like it has small grapes in it, does that mean shes gravid or does it just mean she is ready to breed? :main_robin:
It usually means that she is carrying eggs and getting close to laying them
You usually cannot feel or see the outlines of the eggs until they are very close to laying
Beardies frequently lay eggs without being bred
Make sure to provide her with some extra calcium and vit/mineral supplememts and give her as much as she will eat
You need to provide a lay box or a lay tank for her
I have always used a separate tank with wet packed sand that slopes up to one side like a hill so that she can dig a tunnel
It needs to be large enough for her to get into and turn around
She will dig down to the very bottom of the tank or tub and then lay her eggs and then cover them up
Beardies will dig-like many other lizards- for a while before they are ready to lay but when they are ready to lay-you will know as she will completely dig the tunnel/cave and stay in it until she is done
Give her a good soak after she is done and she may want to eat soon after that