maybe sick?



i just acquired a bearded about 2 weeks ago after having the leopards for about 5 months. he has been really good then i switched up to large crickets and he ate 2 just fine. the next day he ate three and i found them all reguretated in the cage. (yesterday) now today he wont even look at crickets. i picked him up and at one point all 4 of his legs were shaking very badly. he gets fresh water every day. has a basking and a 10.0 uva uvb lamp. he eats greens when he wants...... any suggestions?


New Member
how big is the beardie? I also aquired a beardie about a week ago and it is quite small. We feed it small crix per recommendation of the breeder and as an added precaution if the crix hind legs are quite long we are to remove those as well because they do not digest well and can get stuck cross ways in the intestines of a beardie where the intestines are very small on them. If it is still a baby i recommend small crix, they eat more but less likely for anyhting bad to happen to the beardie. Might be time for you to go to the vets with your beardie just to be on the safe side as that might have happened. Large crix are probably way to big for him to keep down. They will regurgitate when the food is too big or they ate too much. Good luck


Ghoulish Geckos
I would try smaller crickets and see if it still happens. Just feed him more smaller ones instead of switching to larger ones right away.


New Member
If you haven't been giving him calcium, this is the first signs of MBD, or metabolic bone disease. Start giving him calcium dusted SMALL crickets at every feeding for a month, then a few times a week after that. The leg shaking, classic sign of the disease. It is reversable if caught early.

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