MBD Treatment?


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Hey guys,

Salvador (our Ornate Uromastyx) has developed this little bump on his back. Kinda of a Quasi Modo look, but its very small. He's also been alot less active and I had to take him off his heat light as he was trying to bake himself, I think. From the reading I've done, it sounds like it may be the beginnings of MBD.
Is anyone familiar with MBD? Is there anything I can start doing for him until I can get him to the vet next week?

I changed out his entire cage last month and put him on sand. (He was on bird seed)
I have him on plain newspaper right now. Just in case anything could be environmental.
Once he gets better I'll be putting him back on bird seed. (I'll just have to deal with the possibility of weevils again in the future. Eww!:p)


if you think it is MBD get some liquid calcum and give him that


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Thank you, Bex!
This is the first time having to deal with this. Any recommendations where to get it from?

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