
I have always dusted my feeders with plain calcium carbonate powder with every feeding. Usually for the adults, only half of their meal is dusted or they won't even finish it. The babies however, get calcium everyday. All get a multi with D3 like twice a month. Recently, I have been noticing that two babies that I hatched last year look as though they are suffering from Metabolic Bone disease and it seems like they may have semi soft mandible bones and even their front leg bones look a bit off. Since this discovery a few weeks ago, a friend of mine had just returned from the Vet (reptile Vet) having the same problem with a bearded dragon whose limbs were not working. My friend recommended to me to bump up calcium dusting to twice a day for these babies and even though the damage can not be healed the deficiency can be reversed. With the powder, you can not control the cc's given so he recommended a liquid calcium. (neo-calglucon). Each baby is about 25 gm....good weight for their age. They eat really well, are alert and seem otherwise healthy.

So my question is, has anyone had this problem before and what were your experiences?
Anyone know where to get good liquid calcium that won't cost me an arm and a leg?
And what’s the deal with Calcium/Phosphorus ratios.....I know I should know this already, but I don't get it.

I use Jurassi Cal pure calcium every day. It doesn't stick to well to the feeders. All of my geckos run for the tongs when I pull out their boxes, and eat right from them so I am able to dip the worms in water, and then into the calcium, thus saturating the worm with the powder.

Also, any good recommendations on tube syringe feeding the calcium. I had to do this with a slurry like mix for a very sick gecko once and it was quite easy because he was an adult (and didn't make it though), but these babies are quite jumpy. I usually rub the sides of their mouths and they open them...but I don't want to just go ahead and inject them, knowing that they could choke on the liquid. Any good method?

If this doesn't work, I will take them to the vet. They show no signs of lethargy, any appetite problems, or problems even walking.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
The problem could be with the mother not being supplemented enough. You may want to use Calcium w/D3 for awhile... D3 helps with the absorption of the Calcium. I know there is controversy over whether to use D3 or not, but my vet recommend using it for all nocturnal reptiles, and claims he has never seen a case of hypervitaminosis in leopard geckos.

As far as the babies go, I would recommend giving them liquid calcium (NeoCalglucon) orally twice a day... you can even give it to egging females weekly. When you give oral liquids of any kind, you can either put drops on their noses and allow them to lick it, or if you put it directly in their mouths, make sure you go into the back of the throat past the glottis (windpipe just behind their tongue).


Thanks so much for the advice!Dr. Stahl, who is out here near me, reccomends D3 for leos on his site also.

I think you are right about the mother, her eggs were a bit soft. I usually do give more cal to the gravid females, but now I know, not enough.


I just went through an MBD problem with my little petco rescue. It could have been a lack of calcium from his mom since she was probably from a leo breeding mill. (sigh) I never thought of that! Anyhow, the neo-calglucon worked wonders for the little guy. The vet gave him 2 shots of the stuff IM (a week between each shot) and then I supplement 2 times a day. Well I'm down to about every other day now since he really doesn't like the stuff and he's much better at struggling now that he seems recovered. I'm wondering if you can dip your feeders in the liquid stuff (it's pretty sticky) since the kids just grab them off the tweezers? (I love when they do that). One of the reasons the vet recommended the supplement is for the absorbtion. I gave my little guy calcium powder with vit. D but he just wasn't absorbing it whereas the liquid works great! He's gone from barely walking to chasing crix all over his enclosure within a month. Get on it before the MBD gets too advanced.
good luck

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