
No, my leo doesn't have MBD. But, when I was at my cousin's house, I saw his gecko. When I was holding him/her, it seemed like he/she couldn't crawl up. He/she kept sliding down, so I'm guessing that his/her legs are weak. Also I put him/her on the floor to see how he/she walks. (I'm just gonna refer to it as Bob and it instead of him/her) Bob can't walk normally. It looks like it pulls itself to walk and it drags its belly. It's very malnourished. Also, it looks like its back is kinda lop-sided... Whenever I go and see its cage, I never see a calcium dish in there. Does this leo have MBD?


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
No, my leo doesn't have MBD. But, when I was at my cousin's house, I saw his gecko. When I was holding him/her, it seemed like he/she couldn't crawl up. He/she kept sliding down, so I'm guessing that his/her legs are weak. Also I put him/her on the floor to see how he/she walks. (I'm just gonna refer to it as Bob and it instead of him/her) Bob can't walk normally. It looks like it pulls itself to walk and it drags its belly. It's very malnourished. Also, it looks like its back is kinda lop-sided... Whenever I go and see its cage, I never see a calcium dish in there. Does this leo have MBD?

Im not sure i would diagnose the leo withouy pics.Sounds like there are all sorts of things happening there

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
These stories are heartbreaking and unfortunately we hear them all too often.

Yes, it does sound like MBD. Then you also say it is malnourished. Two things come into play in these situations that are very frustrating. First is that the big pet chains, and many small pet stores, don't know the first thing about how to care for the leos they sell....then of course they don't advise the customers because they don't know themselves! Second thing is, when people venture into getting a pet of any kind, they have an obligation to that animal to inform themselves on how to care for it. A $20 investment in Tremper's book could have avoided all this, and sadly, the gecko is the one who suffers.

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