Mealworm gut load


Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
does any one know of any meal worm gut load like stuff, i feed mine potatos and carrots in their breedingcage but the ones i feed to Cesar i would like to gut load for even more protein.


New Member
Key West
Use old fashion rolled oats (grind yourself in blender), cornmeal (not powder)s, wheat bran, organic brown rice (grind yourself); make sure they are all organic, no chemicals at all. Leave the mealworms out for a short while so they can do their munching, after a few hours, I put them in the fridge on the bottom in the vegetable crisper set cool. The meal worms stay dormant and it helps retard growth, plus easier to handle since they are slow to move. Once they are room temp, they are quick.
If there is: bran, phosphorus (leopard geckos need some for bone formation). The reptile doctor i go to has a very high reputation and save our two leopard geckos. He said phosphorus is for bone formation, calcium with D3 is to make up for not being in the sun, dust feeders 3 times a week with calcium with D3 and 2 times a week with a multivitamin with phosphorus, make sure feeders are gut loaded., several slices of apple for moisture (mealworms love it.)
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