Mealworm question.



How many mealworms should my leo eat a day? He's really young still but he just devours them. I put in three and watched for a few seconds and he just had a field day on them. How many is too many though because the petsmart dude said only 2-3 a day, but should I just let him eat a bunch for about 5 minutes and then wait till the next day to feed him again?


I keep a small dish of mealies and let them eat as much as the want. I also have their calcium in a small fish food top and I see them lap some up often and twice a week I offer small crickets that are gut loaded and I shake them in a mulivit which has some D3 in it but my reg calcium does not.I believe this to be best but if your gecko starts getting too fat then you can add less. But I have never had one become over weight yet Good luck, Deb

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