Mealworms For Less


Houston, texas
UPDATED 8-13-10 I would like to apologize for the long delayed replies. I changed my email a few weeks back and for some reason I stopped receiving PM notices. Everything is fixed now. I'm finishing my new building this weekend. I'm expanding to produce 20 million mealworms a year and hope to triple that number by the years end. Also I made the switch to UPS. After having problem after problems with the unreliability of USPS priority mail. I also don't recommend ordering anything live from anyone that uses USPS priority mail. The 2-3 day they say is not guaranteed. One and every three boxes i send took 4+ days unacceptable in 95+ degree weather.

PLEASE READ Due to rising summer heat I can not guarantee live on arrival if your daily high is above 90. Should they arrive DOA with daily highs under 90 I will replace them but will have to charge for the shipping costs.

I now use UPS as my shipping source. I don't have the best rates just yet on shipping so I will be offsetting my profits to offer friendly shipping prices No shipments to PO Box address's.

I will be venturing into the superworm market early next year and plan to specialize in the superworm market. Also if you are looking for crickets in the short near future my brother is going to start breeding them next week more PM me for more details on crickets if interested.

Current Sale Prices
5K $19.50
10K $33.00

Normal prices
5K $19.50 + Shipping
10K $37.00 + Shipping

They are packaged in a breathable bag with newspaper to crawl around on to prevent them from overheating.
If interested send me a PM for shipping quotes. All orders will go out Monday-Wednesday. All orders go out same day as long as they are received by 12PM CST
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