Melanoma Sucks


New Member
Oregon, USA
So I went in today to the dermatologist so I could get my moles examined. On my father's side my grandparents both had skin cancer, so I wasn't exactly expecting anything good... Maybe some funky looking moles, but definitely not what I came out knowing. Two of my moles had to be biopsied. One of them that was on my back, my derm told me, is most definitely going to come back positive. He was surprised no one had ever caught it before, it looks exactly like the scary pictures you see of melanoma, except larger.

I was scared when he told me, especially because the other derms came in to confirm what he said, and to assist in the biopsy. All I could think of was that I just turned 17 in December... I don't want skin cancer.

They've already scheduled an appointment within the next week to get it removed, plus the ones surrounding it, and then even the other one and those surrounding it on my neck. The derm was nice, but at the same time he kept shooting my mom and I the "Oh God, I'm so sorry" look.

I may be 17 years old, but I'm certainly not stupid. Just come right out and tell me if you think I may need treatment other then surgery to make sure this all goes away. Don't avoid it until the surgery next week. Just tell me.

Anyways, it's just a crappy day for me. :(

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Oh no! Hannah, they really can't tell you anything until the pathology report come back on the biopsy. Let's keep positive that even is it does come back malignant, that it's something that can be easily removed and treated. ((HUGS!))

The Sunset Gang

You will be in my prayers! I personally hate doctors because they always prepare you for the worst, and it really isn't anything. I hope and pray that everything turns out to be normal. God Bless!


New Member
Weymouth MA
Hannah, speak up in the office. It's your body & you have the right to know what the doctor is thinking. It's OK to push for an explanation, expectations, potential procedures. A great line is, "if you don't tell me, I'll go find the answer on the internet". It also helps to write down your questions because it can be hard to remember them in the office or you may feel like they are "stupid" and not ask them even if you don't really understand something.

That said, all cancer sucks! Malignant too because of the worry it puts you through. I hope that all your biopsies come back negative & that you have no more worries. Be strong!


New Member
I'm really sorry about your diagnosis, that really stinks. I know exactly how you feel because I'm going through some tough medical problems myself. I hate it when the Dr's tell you what you have wrong with you like you're just "another patient" with "another ailment" treating you like you're on an assembly line. Good luck to you and God bless, I'm sure you'll pull through fine, just keep the faith!
I've noticed that going through tough times like this only makes you stronger!


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Wow, thats something noone should ever have to go through, especially a 17 year old. I am terribly sorry, and you certainly will be in my prayers.

I know that my father found out he had melanoma a few months ago, and had it removed without a problem. In the mean time, creating a list of questions to ask the doc next time you see him is a good idea. Just incase it is something bad, you will have an idea of what you are in for.

Also, just try to keep a positive attitude (I know, easier said than done) because it won't do you any good to be upset.


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