Merlin the awesome Gecko! :D


New Member
Southern USA
Heee I'm so happy! Merlin's been more active, of course sleeping in the day as they're nocturnal, but his appetite is great, and he's loving his new and hopefully final set up for his tank. I'm just glad to see he's doing so well, I love him! I've had him for about a month and a few days now! Here's some pictures ^_^


Sorry for blurriness, taken with my new iPod.


New Member
Southern USA
Someone else on the forum thought he might be a Snow but I'm not quite sure myself. I got him at a reptile show back in May and the man we got him from didn't really tell us what he was. Just told us basic knowledge on how to take care of him. Well I am pretty sure it's a he, one of his co-workers came up to tell us whether it was male or not, and she said it was a male. So there you go :)


New Member
Southern USA
I hope to get better pics, I'm still trying to figure out when the best time is to feed him waxworms to help him get a little bigger? He's not fond of crickets, and we had the right cricket food and everything (Flukers) is what we got. He loves the mealworms though. I know waxworms are meant for treats, but I can't tell if he's old enough for them or not.


New Member
Coconut Creek, FL
Waxworms will just make him fat; if his tail was severely diminished or something, that would be the time for them (they're also good for girls who have recently laid eggs). For a normal healthy kid they aren't warranted... keep up with the mealworms, or try superworms, or silkworms/dubias if you can find them. For my geckos that will eat them, I prefer to feed superworms because they save lots of time spent feeding (feeding 3 superworms takes 1/3 the time as feeding 30 mealworms and provides about the same amount of nutrition).


New Member
Southern USA
Hmm okay so I guess unless it was just for a treat then I shouldn't really worry about it at the moment. He does seem to be getting bigger than when we first brought him home. Others have noticed it around home so that's good. He has a pretty decent appetite. He seems to enjoy his home now and he's beginning to get more active. Guess I'm just being an over-protective owner but I wanna take the best care for him as possible ^_^

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