merry christmas all


New Member
cattasauqua, pa
thanks all they et us go early but still was busy... seriously who calls their cell phone company on christmas. we had one guy who wanted to answer thanks for calling tmobile you should be spending time with your loved ones instead of calling us how can i help you lol. (course that would get one fired lol) and who can buy geckos or afford a trip to daytona wthout a job lol. either way hope everyone else had a great time


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
Merry Christmas Gecko Friends! We're like the Super Friends... but different. :D

Last week it rained, then snowed the most it ever has here at 3250' in the Southern California mountains. The power went out for 7 hours last Wednesday night and it snowed all day. I shoveled snow for the first time in my life. My driveway is steep and it was entirely covered.

Today we had more rain and an intense windstorm. I just stayed in the house, watched basketball and fed geckos. Well, I'm still feeding geckos... and watching basketball. 4 great NBA games today was my christmas present. My Lakers ended the Celtics' 19-game win streak, and it was exciting to see Roger Mason Jr. hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer in San Antonios' win over the Phoenix Suns.

I can't believe my mom didn't get a Honey Baked Ham this year! :main_angry:

I'm eating pasta today. It's a vegetarian christmas for me I guess. Tomorrow I'll have BBQ though. After a warm November, it's been freezing here lately. Not like Illinois or anything, but relatively speaking.... cold! At least it's not supposed to rain for the next 6 days... hopefully longer. I've got work to do, and the frozen, wet weather slows me down.

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