Mites/tick on My Boa



Two weeks ago I found mites on my boa, it was only one, but I freaked and super treated him. I treated him by soaking him underwater for ten minutes, then by gooping him up with vegetable oil. I completely cleaned out his cage and soaked that for ten minutes in cold water.

Today I found one other mites on him and two-three small bumps (I suspect this is where they are under the scales).

I am asking any of those who have had mites how they got rid of them. I do have a cat who like to perch and watch the snake. I suspect this is where he got them.

To answer if they are mites or ticks- They are black, travel around on skin, easy to pop and kill. When I did pop one, it exploded with blood.

Fast replies or links to websites appreciated.


I've never heard of anyone being able to pop a mite. I suspect that you have ticks. Provent-a-Mite would work for either ticks or mites. I've also had good luck against ticks using Reptile Relief.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Provent a Mite works great. In a snap, you can use WalMart's Equate Bedding Spray, used to treat head lice. (Same thing- MUCH cheaper)
Spray down all the siliconed areas of the tank, lay down some newspaper, spray it, lay down another layer and spray it, too. You don't have to use alot, either. If you have him on Aspen, you can spray some on it and "fluff" it around a bit.
Make sure the tank is completely dry before you put your animal back in it. This stuff can be fatal if its still wet.
We used to have a real problem with mites until we were told about this method. It worked within a week. We've been mite-free for over 4 years now. :)
Both Provent a Mite and the bedding spray are ionized and will actually rupture the mites' exoskeleton.


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
I think those are probably mites and not ticks, though I'm not certain. My feeder mice got mites, from a wild rat I think. I did discover one thing you can do to keep them from spreading to other animals. Put a line of masking tape all the way around the tub. The mites try to go under the masking tape and they get stuck in it and die.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
lytlesnake said:
I think those are probably mites and not ticks, though I'm not certain. My feeder mice got mites, from a wild rat I think. I did discover one thing you can do to keep them from spreading to other animals. Put a line of masking tape all the way around the tub. The mites try to go under the masking tape and they get stuck in it and die.
Yeah, I agree. Sounds like mites to me, too.
So the masking tape really works? Thats a great tip!:main_thumbsup:


Skip the P-A-M and get Repel Permanone from Walmart. Exact same ingredients and 15 bucks cheaper, use it exactly like PAM and no more mites!

With masking tape, make sure the snake cannot come in contact with it, that stuff is a pain to remove off of scales.

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