Moist hide help!


Central TX.
My husband and I have had Dexter for about 2-3 weeks and Ringo 8 days. They love there home :D I have gotten them to eat every day I have had them, not a lot on some days and a lot on others. Any suggestions? They both shed Sunday and Monday. My question Is Dexter Loves Loves the moist hide as It is on the hot side which is set at 91 day temp. We have a small damp wash cloth folded up in a large cave. He Is obsessed with that hide, He lays on the back of the cloth and lays his little head on the moist cloth if we take it out so I can feed them he seems lost, Well It hurt his health or skin to be in the moist hide a lot of the time?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, as we are new to the gecko world and these cute little guys that make me smile.


New Member
I've not experienced any issues with geckos that enjoy laying in the moist hide sitting on the warm side. I have some that live in their moist hides, some that sleep in it during the day. I prefer moist hide not on the cold side because generally geckos don't like cold & damp unless their environment is super hot. And if your husbandry is setup correctly, their environment should never be as such where they should want to hide inside a cold, wet, and damp place.

I'd say let the gecko enjoy the moist hide. They are eating, pooping, shedding, and sleeping, what more could you want? :) A proper moist hide should dry out naturally, that way they still get a period of a fairly dry moist hide so they aren't constantly laying inside a wet environment. Just make sure to not re-wet the paper towels so often. Allow it to naturally dry out for a day or two before you re-moist it.


Central TX.
My husband and I have had Dexter for about 2-3 weeks and Ringo 8 days. They love there home :D I have gotten them to eat every day I have had them, not a lot on some days and a lot on others. Any suggestions? They both shed Sunday and Monday. My question Is Dexter Loves Loves the moist hide as It is on the hot side which is set at 91 day temp. We have a small damp wash cloth folded up in a large cave. He Is obsessed with that hide, He lays on the back of the cloth and lays his little head on the moist cloth if we take it out so I can feed them he seems lost, Well It hurt his health or skin to be in the moist hide a lot of the time?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, as we are new to the gecko world and these cute little guys that make me smile.
We have 2 on the hot side one with the cloth its a big one 1 on the cool side its a bonsai tree but Ringo loves to lay under the green leaves we have on the cool side in the corner. We actually took the cloth out last night being concerned but he seemed upset and wondered around and went to the tree but as soon as we put the cloth back there he went right back in there and crashed. I think he has gotten spoiled in the 3 weeks we have had him. He also cruses up my arm and all over my hands (-: We have a pic. of there house in my profile if you want to check it out. thanks


Central TX.
We have 2 on the hot side one with the cloth its a big one 1 on the cool side its a bonsai tree but Ringo loves to lay under the green leaves we have on the cool side in the corner. We actually took the cloth out last night being concerned but he seemed upset and wondered around and went to the tree but as soon as we put the cloth back there he went right back in there and crashed. I think he has gotten spoiled in the 3 weeks we have had him. He also cruses up my arm and all over my hands (-: We have a pic. of there house in my profile if you want to check it out. thanks


Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
Online geckos is probably right he should be fine it was just my opinion. Sounds to me like your doing fine,, keep up the good work! im gonna delete that previous post cause i was just talkin out of my ass ;)


Central TX.
LOL. Its all good. Last night when I ran to The home depot to pick up some slate tiles for there home, Dexter which is young, not sure how old he is decided to scale the foam rock wall and try to escape luckily my husband saw him hanging on the back just in time to save him from being lost. Then later when I woke them up to feed them he tried to walk up the green soft leaves we have in the corner, little turkey he should be called Houdini. So being so young and us only having him about 3 weeks if he were to get out are they hard to find or do they come to there house? He crawls up my arm and all over my hands already but I always stand over tank for safety cuz i don't want him to get hurt.

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