More new owner worry questions?


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Thought up a few more questions i couldn't find answers too. Here is a little list.

1. The 2 cresteds are in a cage together male/female, do they need separate food bowls, and during cricket feeding will they fight over food?

2. Will they eat roaches since i will be switching food over to roaches?

3. Is the 12x12x18 cage big enough for the pair?

4. Will one dominate, intermediate the other.

As you can see really worried about one turning alpha and scaring other away. Reason being this happened with a pair of leos and i had to rescue female. The male is the smaller one in the cage right now only by a 1CM or 2CM.

Tiny chibi

1. Not sure.

2. Crested geckos can eat Dubia roaches as a staple just make sure the appropreate size like you would with crickets.

3.Once again not sure.(measurments always were my weak point lol.)

4. Keep a good eye on them just incase one does try to dominate, it can happen and if you see any signs of it you must seperate them as soon as possible.

60 miles south of Chicago
Thought up a few more questions i couldn't find answers too. Here is a little list.

1. The 2 cresteds are in a cage together male/female, do they need separate food bowls, and during cricket feeding will they fight over food?

2. Will they eat roaches since i will be switching food over to roaches?

3. Is the 12x12x18 cage big enough for the pair?

4. Will one dominate, intermediate the other.

As you can see really worried about one turning alpha and scaring other away. Reason being this happened with a pair of leos and i had to rescue female. The male is the smaller one in the cage right now only by a 1CM or 2CM.

1. I doubt it. But be prepared for eggs, they bury them just like leos (if not deeper than leos and they are smaller than leos.

2. my suggestion, if you're going to feed dubias is (and this was suggested to me): find a heavy ceramic dish that is smooth. Heavy enough that when the geckos stand on it, they won't knock it over with their weight. Put the roaches in that and sit it somewhere in the cage. They'll get them because they can crawl in and out of the cup.
You can also try this with crickets if you don't want crickets roaming all over your tank.

3.I don't know

4.possibly. Just keep an eye on them and weigh them often. If one seems to be losing weight, start feeding separately.


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
How much do they weigh? You wanna go by weight. I suggest they be 25g or more if you are gonna put a pair together. The male will probably dominate the female as much he can in the beginning when things are new and exciting. Later on in the relationship he may not dominate as much if they start growing apart due to changes in their values and goals :)

60 miles south of Chicago
Later on in the relationship he may not dominate as much if they start growing apart due to changes in their values and goals :)

Yeah, what Nate said. He may want to make babies and she may want to go off to college, and he may just tell her she's not the girl for him.

Or however they decide to change their values and goals.:main_laugh:

sorry. I just had to.


Sonoran desert
I would say the 12/12/18 is to small for two even for one adult. So all the other questions maybe... If it was a bigger tank I would say no to all other questions


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV

I feel bad for being sarcastic now when you are concerned so I'll do my best to seriously help :)

1. The 2 cresteds are in a cage together male/female, do they need separate food bowls, and during cricket feeding will they fight over food?

No need for seperate bowls. They should should do fine as long as you give them enough food.

2. Will they eat roaches since i will be switching food over to roaches?

I use crickets but I have heard of owners that use roaches so as long as they eat them you are okay.

3. Is the 12x12x18 cage big enough for the pair?

I would reccomend a 18x18x18. The 12x12x18 is a little small for a breeding pair.

4. Will one dominate, intermediate the other.

Size is a factor here. You should have like size geckos. Also they should be 25g or more each before you put a breeding pair together. That's just my opinion. If you are putting these animals together with little knowledge of breeding them then I suggest you pick up a good book like Rhacodactylus. You'll need to know more info, trust me. Also make sure you are dusting your crix or roaches with calcium and sometimes vitamins after the feeder's are properly gutloaded. Breeding can put stress on your geckos so you need to make sure you don't stray from good husbandry.

Here's a link to that book I was talking about

As you can see really worried about one turning alpha and scaring other away. Reason being this happened with a pair of leos and i had to rescue female. The male is the smaller one in the cage right now only by a 1CM or 2CM.

Valley Reptiles

New Member
1. The 2 cresteds are in a cage together male/female, do they need separate food bowls, and during cricket feeding will they fight over food?
They will eat out of one bowl. Cricket feeding you may get one that nips the others tail if they think the tail is a cricket.

2. Will they eat roaches since i will be switching food over to roaches?
They will eat roaches but not as a main diet. Mine get B.lateralis roaches once a week, sometimes less than that.

3. Is the 12x12x18 cage big enough for the pair?
A little small for a pair, 18x18x18 is perfect.

4. Will one dominate, intermediate the other.
Most likely no but the male will breed her and if you do not know what to watch for you will think they are fighting. Breeding is very rough and you will have bite marks on the females and usually tails nipped.


Ghoulish Geckos
I give my little ones roaches twice a week. My adult will eat them once in awhile, but not very often. Make sure they have cgd everyday since that's their main staple.:) I keep all mine separate right now, so I don't have any other advice for you.

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