More shows in Bay Area


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Is there a reason there are not more shows in the SF bay Area
Only upscale reptiles in Sac. and San Jose. ( thats not enough LOL)why no NARBC? and were did IRBA go up here. The shows that were here the last few times were getting small and some thin pickens.:curtain:
Oakland, CA
If you are talking about the San Jose show being slim pickins.. I would totally agree. It was not a good show. Met a couple of people off of here but otherwise.. mEh.

The Sacramento show was pretty good last year. We will be vending at it this year... So it will be more awesome than usual. ;)

I think the major reason why there is no big Reptile shows in SF is because of the fact of not being able to legally keep Boas and Pythons in SF. I have said that Boas and Pythons were illegal in SF for years now. I knew a couple of Animal Control People that worked in SF.. and they talked about taking peoples whole collections. I cannot seem to find any info on it though. So.. I am not sure.

The San Diego show isn't that far away and is totally worth it in my opinion.

I don't know what happened to IRBA up here. I remeber going to an IRBA show in Bay Point? In 1999 I think. It was my first reptile show. Hmm.. Weird. I wonder why they don't do that one anymore?

Why don't you start doing your own shows?


New Member
Central California
dirtystinkystuff said:
Why don't you start doing your own shows?
Sounds like a great idea!! Do a spring or early summer show to balance the upscale reptiles shows. ;)

I didn't know IRBA used to be up here! I like the San Jose show because it is the only show where I don't have to stay in a hotel. It will keep growing and become a great show - if we support it! The Anaheim show is a wonderful show - I just made my reservations for this year! :main_yes: It seems far on the way home though...:zzz:


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Lets do it!;)
Ya I thought it was IRBA that did the one in San Mateo hasn't been there for a couple years now I think I went to the last one they had. that was the one that was slim pickens barley any boths.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
IRBA got too greedy with vendor table rates and didn't promote the shows, so most Bay Area breeders stopped supporting them. There is the Petaluma Show in September, but it's a one-day event and pretty small, although I usually do very well there as a vendor. The San Jose show is promoted by Jeremy and Angel at Upscale Reptiles, and it is a very new show. I support that show because I would like to see it develop into the same category at their Sacramento venue. NARBC only does one show a year at each location, and typically the Southern California crowd attends and spends more money that Bay area folks, and that is why they chose Anaheim.


dirtystinkystuff said:
If you are talking about the San Jose show being slim pickins.. I would totally agree. It was not a good show. Met a couple of people off of here but otherwise.. mEh.

Don't you mean "small" pickings.;) Small as in dwarf . . .:main_laugh:
Oakland, CA
It was a weird vibe that I was getting from the people there. There were also some different vendors that I was shocked on the condition of animals they were offering for sale. The majority of the vendors are the same people I have seen over and over again at the Sacramento show. At this show they seemed not to be as kind and quite on edge for some unknown reason. I left feeling out of place there. However, I was not thinking like you or Nancy. If we support that show it may turn into a much larger and very well supported/attended show. I would like to see that. We may have to vend that show later this year.

Yes.. Mr Gecko.. I mean Brain ;) Small things did come back home with us.. that were for you.. small and "dwarf".. Yeah. a Male Holodactlus africanus. :D


I think there is going to be a show next month ( april) and another in may but its about 5 hours away from here ( san ramon ). Anyways im planning on going! I wish there was more around here though :(

what is the date for the anaheim show?

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