Dora is not an easy gecko lol. She hates everyone and everything now. Trying to hold her always involves a bite, and that seemed to happen overnight. When she sheds I have to mist directly on her because she absolutely refuses a moist hide, opting to hang out in her water dish. In fact, she sleeps out in the open of her tank! She won't use any hide. I can't sex her because I can't pick her up, because frankly I'm nervous of getting bit now that she is bigger.
My latest issue is attacking the glass. She lunges at the sides of the tank whenever someone passes near her tank. Her tank is atop my daughters dresser so that means every time someone grabs clothes, or I put away laundry, or anything at all she snaps at the glass. Hard. You can hear the thunk of her face hitting it. I'm worried this is going to cause some issues.
We are currently trying to get her used to us by bravely laying our hands in the tank and staying very still so she can walk all over us. She's very active, sleeping little during the day, so she will crawl up on a hand and sit still but the second you move she bites.
I don't want to keep holding her if she's going to get all wonky from this hatred of anything that moves. I have no idea if brain damage will occur!
I know this post is sort of all over the place, sorry, I'm just getting frusterated at his damn gecko lol. I've had salamanders, snakes, tarantulas, ferrets, dogs, cats, fish, gerbils, hamsters, mice, frogs....none of them caused the stress this little critter has!
My latest issue is attacking the glass. She lunges at the sides of the tank whenever someone passes near her tank. Her tank is atop my daughters dresser so that means every time someone grabs clothes, or I put away laundry, or anything at all she snaps at the glass. Hard. You can hear the thunk of her face hitting it. I'm worried this is going to cause some issues.
We are currently trying to get her used to us by bravely laying our hands in the tank and staying very still so she can walk all over us. She's very active, sleeping little during the day, so she will crawl up on a hand and sit still but the second you move she bites.
I don't want to keep holding her if she's going to get all wonky from this hatred of anything that moves. I have no idea if brain damage will occur!
I know this post is sort of all over the place, sorry, I'm just getting frusterated at his damn gecko lol. I've had salamanders, snakes, tarantulas, ferrets, dogs, cats, fish, gerbils, hamsters, mice, frogs....none of them caused the stress this little critter has!