Moving my leo from 10 gal to 29 gal, UTH question


New Member
New England

My leo has been growing quite a bit now, and I felt that it was time for him to get a nice new tank (he's currently in a 10 gal). I bought a 29 gallon tank, new repti carpet, etc, but my question is, can I still keep the UTH I was using for his 10 gallon in the 29 gallon?

The UTH he has now works great and I have a dimmer attached to it so I can control the temperature, I'm just worried about where I should place it in the new tank since the 29 gallon is longer by perhaps 25%. Or maybe it doesn't make a difference, and I should just keep it to the side like I did with the 10 gallon?

Thanks in advance :]

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Good rule of thumb for UTH's is that they should cover roughly 33% of the bottom of the tank. That way it provides the gecko with ample coverage to thermo-regulate

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