So I decided to add a few more females to my 65 gallon tank. I had 2 females and 1 male in it. But I magically came upon 2 more that might be arriving soon. So before my male went in with my females he was in a 10 gallon by himself. I moved him back to the 10 gallon today and he just seems so unhappy. He's searching the cage and looking in every hide. It seems to me he is searching for his women. Maybe I just feel bad for him because I wouldn't want to live alone. I haven't fed him yet tonight so I don't know if he is going to eat. What do you guys think? Will he adjust and be happy or will he always look sad? I also separated him because I didn't want babies yet. Should I have put him in a bigger cage or will he be fine in a 10 gallon? :main_huh: