

New Member
I MIGHT be moving soon I just got my leopard gecko a week ago. If I do move it would not be for three weeks. I am wondering how I would move my leopard gecko my tank is 29 gallons so its not going to fit in the car. I would be moving from Arizona to New York by car. I know I should not have gotten a leopard gecko if I was moving soon but I did not know at the time. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


New Member
rather not say
If if doesn't fit in your car, u can get rid of it. You can put a the gecko in a deli cup with lots of holes. Do not turn on the a/c pass med. And don't put the a/c directly on the gecko. If it gets cold turn the heat on but not on the gecko. U can buy some heat or cold packs if u don't have a/c. Be sure to keep a close eye on him


New Member
I will try to do what Kara say's as I do not know a reptile dealer. Should I not feed it during that time it is going to be at least 3 days probably more


New Member
If if doesn't fit in your car, u can get rid of it. You can put a the gecko in a deli cup with lots of holes. Do not turn on the a/c pass med. And don't put the a/c directly on the gecko. If it gets cold turn the heat on but not on the gecko. U can buy some heat or cold packs if u don't have a/c. Be sure to keep a close eye on him

Agreed, And where you moving to in New York


Ridgewood, NJ
I recently drove mine from OH to NYC (about a 9 hour drive) and back with a few stops along the way. My guy is 85g and so he didn't fit in the deli cups I had. I stuck him in a Ziplock sandwich container with a moist paper towel and a few holes. Stuck the container him in a shoebox to prevent him from being in direct sun and then brought stuck all that in a 10gallon on the floor in the backseat. I made a couple of stops along the way to visit friends and just hauled the setup out of my car, let him out of his "car prison" and plugged in the UTH overnight. I didn't feed him 48 hours prior to leaving just in case. He handled the whole thing like a trooper.

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