MS 100% Het Diablo Blanco



First, lol, if i mate a RAPTOR with a Super Snow Blizzard wont the babies all be Mack Snow 100% het RAPTOR/Blizzard?
Second, what would the possible outcomes be if I mated
2 Mack Snow 100% het Raptor/Blizzard(DB)?
i am getting confused on the number of outcomes as I am thinking there are quite a few options in this circumstance with all of the recessive genes in there.
Please if any one has any help let me know :D


New Member
NJ & Pennsylvania
Please forgive me if I'm wrong. I'm rather new at genetics. But I did my punnet square and came up with the following: Also please note: I did not work in the Red-eye part for raptor because I don't know if it's dominant or recessive, plus my square would be the size of my wall.

Super Snow = 1/64
SS het albino het patty = 4/64
SS het patty = 2/64
SS het albino = 2/64
SS tremper patty = 1/64
SS petty het tremper = 2/64
SS tremper het patty = 2/64
SS patty = 1/64
SS tremper = 1/64

Mack Snow het albino het patty = 8/64
MS het nothing = 2/64
MS het patty = 4/64
MS het trempter = 4/64
MS tremper patternless = 2/64
MS het tremper het patty = 2/64
MS tremper = 2/64
MS patternless het tremper = 4/64
MS tremper het patty = 4/64
MS patternless = 2/64

Tremper Albino = 1/64
Tremper Patternless = 1/64
Tremper het patty = 2/64

Patternless = 1/64
Patty het tremper = 2/64

Normal het albino het patty = 4/64
Normal het patty = 2/64
Normal het tremper = 2/64
Normal het nothing = 1/64

Hope this helped.


New Member
NJ & Pennsylvania
I made a small error; I posted MS het tremper het patty in that group twice, so the one in the middle that says 2/64 please disregard. Now the numbers should add up to 64 :)


Eclipse gene is recessive

Im not going to write everything but here are the ones that are missed. Also you cant tell a het from a non het until proven ed out so all offspring that dont express those traits are 66% hets for it.

SS eclipse 66% het blizzard and albino
eclipses 66% het blizzard and albino
snow eclipses 66% het blizzard and albino

albino blizzard 66% het eclipse
snow albino blizzard 66% het eclipse
SS albino blizzard 66% het eclipse

blizzard eclipses 66% het albino
snow blizzard eclipses 66% het albino
SS blizzard eclipses 66% het albino

Albino eclipse (raptor) 66% het blizzard
snow albino eclipse (snow raptor) 66% het blizzard
SS albino eclipse (SS raptor) 66% het blizzard

diablo blanco
snow diablo blanco
SS diablo blanco

You will have to proof many of these out as there is no visual difference between them but they are genetically different


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