multiple questions



i want a leopard gecko i have had anoles before and i want to try the leopards. i would like to just keep 1 leo. are leos fast moving?
1. For housing i was thinking a 10 gallon aquarium
2. For food, i need some kind of non-live food and then i would add supplements. i cant have live food because the parents dont like all of the food i have to keep in the freezer because of my corals.
3. For substrate i am just going to use paper towels.
4. For heating i was going to use a 60W lamp and a heat rock or heat pad
5. Where can i get leos cheaper than 80 bucks at the pet store, how can i locate a breeder in my area?
is there anything else i am missing?


1.Thats fine for 1
2.They only eat live food(mealworms, crickets, butterworms, silkworms, roaches,locusts)
3.Thats fine
4.Belly heat is all thats needed heatrocks are dangerous(they overheat) and a light is only needed to simulate day/night. A Under Tank Heater should be used.
5.Many people here breed you can also post in the wanted ads or google it. Your local pet store may have them just make sure they are healthy(kept on a safe substrate no sand or wood chips) have a fat tail and if you see poo in the tank are good signs. Also a general curious attitude and healthy upright walk are good.

hope this helps and good hunting.


you don't need to but they last longer like that. You can actually breed them and feed for cheap or free search this forum for threads on how to. That second link is the right type of heater. May also need a thermostat or rehostat to keep temps steady but thats up to you.


New Member
Weymouth MA
Please, I know being a newbie is overwhelming, take some time to read through posts here, especially in the housing section. You will find all the answers you are seeking and more.

Look to the top of the page for an entire listing of links to breeders. If nothing else, go to their sites & read their care pages.

The heater will not break your glass if you use it properly. Read directions, keep it dry.

No matter how much you read, you will still have questions.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
walmart said:
is heater risk to break my glass?

I dont know how the one in that link is, but I recommend the ZooMed UTH. They work great and are made specifically for glass. And I DEFFINATELY recommend getting a thermostat.

My leo will only eat food that is moving. I have seen her stare at a cricket for 5-6 minutes straight. She didn't attack until it finally moved. The problem with keeping mealworms out of the fridge when you have only 1 leo, is that if they are not used fast enough, they will morph into beetles. I am not so sure I would recommend breeding mealworms with only one leo. You wont be able to go through them fast enough. If you really can't refrigerate and can't get crickets, then all I can really think of buying 50 counts of mealworms from petco or something. You should use those fast enough that they wont morph. The only problem with that, is you will be spending much more money that way.


Yea half the time most questions can be answered by useing the search function but I'm lazy and don't alot lol, but moo is right


another idea I just thought of is either a small refrigerator or cooler to keep them cool if you wanted to save the money prolly would pay for it self in a year and since leos can live for up to 25 years it may be a good investment.

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