My 1 beardie is so small compared to siblings and dont know why????


New Member
London, Ontario, Canada
Hello My boyfriend bought me 3 baby beardies this past December, don't know their hatch date but were about 2 or 3 weeks. All same age. We have 1 male we know of, 1 female and we are tossed up on the other. The one (Selena) is very small. Gets plenty of water, baths, waters dish, eats veggies, crickets, superworms and fruit. Somedays she eats a lot, others she barely eats, but compared to my other 2 she is tiny and hasn't really frown since she hit the size she is now. I wanted to know if maybe she has some dwarfism in her or what, if anyone can help that would be great. Ive uploaded a pic and she is sitting on top of Yoshi, who is the same age. Thanks :main_thumbsup:


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Aussie Reptile Keeper
Its a dominance issue, housing them together you will always have one that's bigger than the rest, it will eat the most food, hog the basking spot etc.

Bearded dragons really should be kept in separate enclosures or at a stretch, 1 male and 1 female though that doesn't always work.

As for food, their diet should be made up of meat and vegg.

The meat portion of their diet should be crickets or woodies or both, not super worms or meal worms, they are just not good for reptiles and can lead to impaction. For veggies the best choices are endive, mustard greens, bok choy, summer squash and if you can get it, dandelion ( both leaves and flowers).

Regarding bathing, it should be done once a week only in luke warm water and only in warmer weather, bathing in winter or even bathing to regularly in general can lead to respiratory infection.

Just my 2c

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