Hi guys, new here and I just wanted to share pics of my 2 Leo's. The first one is my 4 year old normal Lizzy. The second one is my 2 year male rainwater toothless which I have only had a few months. Let me know what you think
Thanks, I appreciate it. Lizzy my female was my pet store buy. She was actually given back by her owner that couldn't take care of her anymore. She is the sweetest Gecko and always wants to be held and see us. My male that I just got is squirmiest and hates being held. He just shed today so I might post new pics since his colors are so much more vibrant now. The tank took me a lot of trial and error but i finally have it to my liking. I was thinking about more but I need to slow down on getting more at the moment with all the stuff I've been splurging on for them lol.