My Babies <3


New Member
Miami, FL
Just thought I'd share a cute pic of my babies that I snapped last night. I was putting together my new AP rack and all three of them were just watching me from the bed :main_laugh: They are all rescue dogs and starting from the left we have Barna (really my moms dog) who is some sort of Terrier/Mix/Benji type dog, she's around 13 years old. Then in the middle is my big boy Bronco who is a Lab/Boxer type mix and he just turned a whole year old. And finally in all her petiteness, 5.3 lbs, is the latest addition to our family Roxy a (believe it or not, purebred) Maltese around a year or so old. They each have their own stories but it would be pretty long to type all three lol. So I'll just say they had a rough start but now they are living in the lap of luxury... I should change my name to Luxury lololol.


Sorry about the green eyes. They're not aliens I swear, it's just a crappy camera. lol


New Member
Miami, FL
Thanks, believe it or not she was actually much thinner when I got her. She is now at a healthy weight for her size and breed :)

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