My baby gecko is suddenly afraid of me?


New Member
Hi, all!

I am a first time leo owner. I've had mine for about 6 weeks and so far it's been a great experience. I love the little guy...or girl, I can't tell yet. Anyway, last night I went to pick him up and he totally freaked out and scurried into his hide. It was the first time he ever did that. At first I figured, okay, he didn't wanna be bothered--I'll leave him be. But then this morning, I saw him out of his hide just sitting on one of his rocks looking around so I thought I'd give it another shot. He was more scared than last night! I mean, his tail was whipping around and everything. I never seen him run that fast before. He didn't hiss or try to bite me which is good, I guess. But he's always been real mellow and cool. He never minded me handling him. Usually when I go to pick him up, I'll slide my fingers under his belly so I'm not grabbing him from the top. I hear that makes them feel threatened.

I can't think of any reason why he would act like that. I haven't changed anything in his routine. I might have fed him a couple hours later than the norm, not sure if that has anything to do with it. I'm just concerned, that's all. He appears healthy. The only thing new about him I noticed is he's exploring more. Since I've had him, he's been mostly hiding but now he's out and about. His tank sits in my big closet where it's quiet. I'm practically the only one that handles him and when I do it's not for very long. Maybe 10 minutes at most and definitely not every day.

So...I don't know...What's the deal?
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New Member
Hmm, have you noticed if he's going into shed soon? Some leos hate being touched or handled right before they start shedding.

It's pretty normal that he's starting to explore, it usually means that they are getting comfortable in their home and is something that most leos do after a few weeks of settling in.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. He doesn't look like he's about to shed but I hope he is soon. I got a moist hide in there for him but he's only went in a couple of times. I got it on the cool side of the tank which is probably why. Should I move it to the warm?


New Member
It usually helps the hide to stay more humid if it is on the warm side, or even just in the middle instead of the cool side.

Usually it's pretty obvious when they are getting ready to shed, but I've been surprised a few times by a leo that just seemed to skip the whole white/ashy looking phase and go straight to shedding.

I'd just give him a few days and see if he calms down. Not to mention juveniles are prone to being a bit... spastic sometimes.


New Member
yea you should probably move it over to the warmer side, thats what creates the humidity. Don't worry about him not using it alot, they know what they need and he will go in if he feels he needs the extra humidity to shed successfully.

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