My Beardies - Pic Heavy


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
Here are my beardies. I actually have 5 in total but there is only 4 in these pics. The fifth one is a little runt that never grew in size since I got him so he is still too tiny to let out to play with the big girls.

Well there are 2 adults and 2 juvies about 3 months old. Click on thumbnails for larger size.

The the two adults I got as adults and I was told they are red bearded dragons. One has a lot of red on her, the other one is more specled red on his beard.

The other two babies are normals (I believe).

All 5 dragons have their own individual tanks . I just let them all out to play when I get home from work while watching tv.

Also a quick note. THe one pic with the 2 little ones piggie backing on the back of the big one they actually did themselves. Sometimes they hop on the big ones backs and go for rides for a little bit.


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
Thanks .. they're cute but pigs. Those pics were towards the end of a feeding session.

The adults for the most part are on a salad diet (with a couple beardie pellets mixed in) and insects once a week (sometimes twice). The babies get salads every day as well but also get insects every day while they are still growing.

(when feeding them outside their tank) I keep the two bigger ones and smaller ones on separate sides of the couch to avoid accidents between them.

Those pics show a couple super worms left lying around but prior to that photo shoot, between the 4 of them they finished off 200 phoenix worms, 10 wax worms, 20 super worms, 20 Dubia roaches and salad in about 10 minutes.

I am not looking forward to coming home to work tonight and looking at the poop apocalypse in their cages. (still working on trying to get them to poop only during their bathes)


Hi Eugene
Your Beardies are beautiful and adorable!!
I love them all and they look very loved and well cared for

Thanks so much for sharing those pics with us
I look forward to many more pics and updates


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
Thank you for the compliments. This is my first year working with bearded dragons (as pets) and they are a blast. The adults they are cool, but I have a real attachment to the little ones as I have had them since they were only a month old and so tiny.

My fiancee found it amusing seeing me heat up .99 cent instant noodles and ellios frozen pizza for myself the other night while chopping up salads, fruits, etc.. for the beardies. Funny how they eat a lot better than I do.

Actually I don't even eat breakfast in the morning, but they get a full salad made for them before I walk out the door for work.


They are great! I love the pictures and I do not get breakfast or lunch. lol I know how you feel.
I drink my cup of coffee while preparing this... This is the first round of bowls I I have another group of bowls too.


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
lol yeah thats what it looks like it my place along with my bowl of ramen instant noodles sitting off on the side getting cold and soggy.

you have some beautiful dragons and i've also seen a lot of your other pics on the beardeddragon messageboard.

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