My Blue Tounge Skink

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Aww... looks like someone's either full or camera shy :D makes me wantone even more than I did before...

Just curious but what greens are you feeding there? is it spinach? If so just be sparing with spinach... "As for your next question, while spinach has calcium in it, it also contains oxalates, which can bind with the calcium in the gastrointestinal tract of a herp. Unless you are feeding her nothing but spinach, there is no problem with feeding it to her. In a varied diet, spinach can be a good part of that diet."

Texas Ranger

New Member
Granbury, Texas
Aww... looks like someone's either full or camera shy :D makes me wantone even more than I did before...

Just curious but what greens are you feeding there? is it spinach? If so just be sparing with spinach... "As for your next question, while spinach has calcium in it, it also contains oxalates, which can bind with the calcium in the gastrointestinal tract of a herp. Unless you are feeding her nothing but spinach, there is no problem with feeding it to her. In a varied diet, spinach can be a good part of that diet."

Its not Spinach. Its mustard greens. I havent done spinach with him yet. So dont worrie about that. He gets better food than I :D

Oh and he was full when I got the camera out. He doenst mind the camera.
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