My bro needs some help!


New Member
My brother got a bearded dragon from petco May 14th of this year. The lil girl wasn't a hatchling like all the beardies they sell now. I think it was around 2 months old. My brother never really handled her very much, maybe a few times a month. I always encouraged him to hold her more, get her used to handling, but he never did. Well now it's been 4 months and I've really been bugging my brother about holding her. He is afraid of getting bit though, so he puts socks on his hands and kinda sandwiches her in and gets her out like that. I told him to just stay calm and use his bare hands and be very gentle and patient, but noooo. Ah, boys. Well yesterday I tried myself to hold "Spikette" (originally Spike, found out she was a girl, and that's what it became) and I placed my hand about 8" away from her, flat on the ground. Spikette took one look and backed terrified into the corner. The poor girl is just scared to death of people. I didn't push her after seeing that and I took my hand out.
I own a leopard gecko, I bought her the same time my bro bought his baby. I held my baby almost every day after I got her (gave her a week to settle down, of course) and now she's soooooo sweet and tame. She is 4.5 months old, definitely just a hatchling when I got her. She lays in my hand and lets me stroke her head all the way down her back and she is fairly easy to get out of the tank as well. I just put my hand in and gently scoot her booty onto it. :)
I would really like to know if there are any tips for taming a bearded dragon? :) I really hope there is something I can do for her, she's so frightened of people. I know beardies are usually fine with handling. Please help us help Spikette! Thank you very much, sorry for the novel. :)


Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
You probably just have to start from square one with her & take it slow. Make sure all interaction is on her terms & stop (like you said you did) when she seems overly stressed.

We've got our savannah monitors both at the same time, except that Leviathan is easy to handle & waits till we are sitting on the floor to move (she knows that being picked up means she gets out of the tank.), while Runt always pees or defecates when you try to pick him up and struggles more. My bf has handled Leviathan a tad more than Runt, so she isn't as jumpy.

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New Member
Yes, I did stop then. Okay, I'll just start from square one. I remember when I first got my leo, I put my hand in the tank and just layed it flat on the ground, to see what she would do. She walked up and put her little hand on my fingers, I was so proud! The first time I tried holding her though she hissed at me so I stopped and decided (Not today). the next day she was much calmer. I'll just start like that with Spikette. Does it make a difference that Spikette isn't younger though? She's probably around 6 months old.


Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
Honestly, I don't know. I am assuming, in my opinion, that it might take a little longer to get her "tame" or handable sine she is older. Maybe once she warms up to your hand in the tank you can offer food from it or just place it on top of your hand, that way she knows your are her food provider & not dangerous.
As soon as mine see me pick up the tongs they go crazy, they know tongs equal food. And I try not to stick my hand in their tank before they eat, only after, that way they are less likely to sneak a nip in.

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