My Cat :/


Well-Known Member
Almost 4 Days ago, On Saturdayish we moved out of our old house in to a new one, Though we didn't want our cat to scratch furniture, and mess up the new place so we decided we would buy Cat gate's and leave her at the old place for a few days since we had already paid rent till the end of the month. We brought her, food, and water every day though people were touring the house on Sunday which is when I thought she got out. My dad didn't tell me till yesterday, and I'm still pissed off at him for not telling me till now, and what worried me more about this whole thing was that some lady said that she saw a cat in our driveway " Not looking too good or Unhealthy ". We lived in like this roundish street area with 4 other houses. Kind of like a Cold - u - sack. I didn't think she would ever cross the road or come out of her hiding spot, but with being locked out of the house for a few days, and the Lawn mowers mowed the lawn yesterday * Shes scared of loud noises * I assumed she ran in to some ones bushes. We asked most of our neighbors that were home but what should I do :/ I'm sure that we had her chipped when Petsmart gave her too us. Mocca1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear she got out; that is one of my big fears for my cats. They are indoor only and wouldn't know what to do. I hope you find her soon.

She was a stray for three years before they brought her in, and she's done some crazy things.. Last month she followed the guy who works on the house when theres a problem in to the attic, and found her way on to the roof. Shes Crazy! But On Monday some lady said she saw some cat on the driveway that wasn't " Moving ". Which scared me cause I thought she got hit by a car. I've never seen a cat in our neighborhood, though my sister has near our house once but I doubt it would be that cat. Though the body wasn't there any more later that day which made me think she may have just been resting, or just suffering from an injury, Unless some one picked her up, and took her in for a few days. Shes chipped so i'll know if any Shelter/Vet finds her. But eh, Theres a chance shes still alive, We leave food out on the porch, and that if she is dead we would have a body. Garbage Men/Animal Control are not allowed to pick up Bodies off of private property. Only Highways. Thanks for the support guys, I really hope I find my Cat :/

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