My collection.. or some of them

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
So, im selling off my leopard geckos and I forgot how pretty they all were! I got some neat shots of some of them, here are a few..


Red stripe male


Neives red stripe from Robin, killer gecko!!!


Bold stripe female, clutch mate to the one in Desire's avatar.. killer genes


SHCT, neat lemon color.. I like her


Patty het RW from Kelli, nice color!

Well, thats just a few of them. I hope you guys are still going to accept me on the leopard gecko forum without all of my leopards!! :p

Thanks for looking

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
Oh! I forgot to post that. Paul has kept the bulk of them since I have gone to college this summer and I am very greatful. Now I have less than a year left in high school, almost a semester left and my life is overrun with SAT prep, college applications, and keeping my highschool grades up. I don't have the time to dedicate to 30 or 40 geckos I used to have, I only have a few other species I have right now.

I want to be able to have 10 or less geckos that I can have fun with my last year, and be able to dedicate time to each and every one of them. I am also going to be setting up "half aquariums" for them soon instead of racks so that I can observe the beauty of each!

So that is my plan for now, just to take some of the stress of of me, and relieve Paul, I wanted to start posting them for sale before it was time for me to pack up and move out.

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