My crestie loves mealworms



Hey everyone ... I used to feed my crestie CGD (still do a once or twice per week) but she doesn't eat it all the time. I tried crickets before but she never ate them. I bought mealworms last week and she is completely devouring them ... every night. I put down about 5 per night and by morning they're pretty much all gone. I read on here that its not recommended and that I should stick with crickets or CGD ... so what should I do if she prefers mealworms? Plz help
Also, could the eco earth be a reason for her not hunting down those crickets and would I be better off with paper towels?


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Although these guys can eat mealworms realize meal worms are not exactly the most nutritious thing to offer your crestie. By only offering your crestie CGD 1-2 times a week you are not allowing your gecko to recieve the proper nutrition that it needs to thrive, grow well, grow properly, and maintain a healthy body, reguardless if you dust the mealworms or not. I have seen alot of cresties come in on their death bed at 1-2 years of age because their owners only offered CGD once in awhile or not at all. They really do need this stuff.

What I would do is put the CGD in every other night. If you see poop, she is eating it. Even if she only eats a little bit, it is far better then a diet of 90% mealworms. Try mixing it with mango nectar from the grocery store, sometimes you can find it in the mexican section, I know goya makes one type. Mix it with part water and part nectar, this will sweeten it up more naturally then over time you can gradually wean out the mango nectar. Or you can consider going the Part 2 route. My gargs are not fans of the CGD, one day I decided to blend an entire mango wit the CGD, just for a treat (I have a large enough colony I knew it would get fed off in 1 night). And my Garg went nutz over it, was the first time ever she cleaned her bowl out. So I ordered her mango part two diet and she still cleans her bowl out. So you might want to give that a try.

More then likely no, she is just being really picky with you right now because you are allowing her to be, cresties will usually eat crickets reguardless of what substrate they are on. However the safer substrate is paper towels, and it is much easier to monitor feces when kept on it, so I would suggest putting her on paper towels to make sure she is eating her CGD.

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