I just picked this little guy up earlier today. It's my first bearded. I have gecko's and always wanted a bearded dragon but didn't like the idea of all the crickets, but when I saw this little guy I gave in. What morph is he? Thanks a lot.
Hard to tell from the pics, but he looks like he's a normal mixed with some orange...the names are getting complicated in beardie morphs, since everyone is naming them differently now. But he's got some orange in him for sure...so depending on where you got him from probably just the regular sandfire mix.
Thanks! I'm currently building a custom 6x2x2 cage for her. I was just wandering if I could get a male or female to put in with her that's close to her size? I know a lot of people don't suggest it, but I know people who keep females together and m/f with no problems at all. The cage is really massive, and will have 2 levels, so it's like 12ft of space. And I can also put a divider in the middle if I see any signs of aggression. And each would have a 36inch x 24inch x 24inch cage. Which is a little larger than a 40 gallon breeder. So I can always separate them if needed. So since I have a female should I get another female or a male? Thanks!