So after seeing a young gargoyle gecko on another forum I'm on (one for fish) I had to get one. After about a month of research and planning I finally took the leap. It's been two days since I got the little bugger (it's name is Zul, not sure of the sex yet as it's still young) and gave it a home in a nicel'y decorated 10g aquarium. Sadly I've run into a few problems, mostly with food (got Flukers crested gecko diet thinking it was the same thing as the repashy) and the little bugger not seeming to want to eat (yet still pooped this morning). Anyway here are a few pics of the little one, Enjoy!
Purple eyes
"No more picture please"
"What you looking at?"
Home sweet home


Purple eyes

"No more picture please"

"What you looking at?"

Home sweet home