hey gecko forum
here are some photos of my geckos and their home.
i have only had them for 2 weeks so i am hoping their lack of apetite is due to them acclimating.
their home is a 24x18x24(40gallon) exo terra. i use a 5.0 uvb during the day and cfl red bulb for night viewing.
paper towels as substrate
i use a heat mat to keep the tank at 73-74
i mist the cage twice daily and that keeps the humitiy between 50-70 depending on the time of day
i wish i could say they are eatting rapashy diet but all i can say is it is being offered. i have seen him eat 1 time(lastnight) more than 2 licks. i have offered roaches and mealworms and not interested.
i just purchased a scale today, so i will be monitoring their weight very closely from now on.
nala(female) which i purchased at a reptile expo on the 6th has a kink in her tail which unfortunately i did not notice until i got her home. from what i read it could be a handful of causes, could be temp or permanant ....so not sure what to do about it. i will take her to the vet when i take the rest of the crew unless i notice it bothering her before then. as long as she is healthy it doesnt bother me one bit
well here are some pictures
any advice/criticism/comments are greatly appreciated
simba pestering nala
their home(note that there is substrate in some photos which has since been removed)
here are some photos of my geckos and their home.
i have only had them for 2 weeks so i am hoping their lack of apetite is due to them acclimating.
their home is a 24x18x24(40gallon) exo terra. i use a 5.0 uvb during the day and cfl red bulb for night viewing.
paper towels as substrate
i use a heat mat to keep the tank at 73-74
i mist the cage twice daily and that keeps the humitiy between 50-70 depending on the time of day
i wish i could say they are eatting rapashy diet but all i can say is it is being offered. i have seen him eat 1 time(lastnight) more than 2 licks. i have offered roaches and mealworms and not interested.
i just purchased a scale today, so i will be monitoring their weight very closely from now on.
nala(female) which i purchased at a reptile expo on the 6th has a kink in her tail which unfortunately i did not notice until i got her home. from what i read it could be a handful of causes, could be temp or permanant ....so not sure what to do about it. i will take her to the vet when i take the rest of the crew unless i notice it bothering her before then. as long as she is healthy it doesnt bother me one bit
well here are some pictures
any advice/criticism/comments are greatly appreciated
simba pestering nala
their home(note that there is substrate in some photos which has since been removed)