A very nice one anyway, looks like a Hypo or Hypo Tang for me. Are these real rocks in the background or artificial ones - if so they look really naturally.
I'll take the easy part first.
That golden looking thing in the foreground appears
to be a nice plump meal worm.
The photo is so "sunny" and bright the gecko must be
a SUNNY GLOW or a Bright Light Special. (of course I DON'T KNOW)
But he/she is so pretty I wouldn't trade her/him for a pick up truck.
THE fake rocks are SO NICE I think they MUST be REAL. (Great Work)
I'm not a PREACHER man but a NO NO on the sand.
And one question for you?? How far is Warsaw - Poland from Indiana?
Take care. HJ
Thanks for coments
Sand? there is no gram of sand There is sand but in the mordant in fake rocks
Gecko is siting on the rock shelf
Poland from Indiana? Hmm... Its a bit far Poland with a capital city - Warsaw is in the center of the Europe On the left we have France and Germany We have Baltic sea And we have awsome lakes but Warsaw isnt intresting
Sorry for beeing Off- Topic but I am really impressed by the rocks you have made, can you please give me more information about that. They look different from the normally used Styropor - Tile mortar combination, did you use construction foam?