My free $125 terrarium


New Member
On sunday I was quite bored and decided I would go to some pet stores around town. I stopped by P**co to look at the leos (I would never actually buy a leo from P**co. Nor would I buy anything from that place...). As I was leaving I decided I would drive around the back and see if there was anything they were throwing out. I looked by the dumpster and there was a really nice terrarium that was a decent size. I figured there was no need to waste it, so I opened my car door picked it up and shoved it in the backseat of my car. As I was pushing it in I heard a *ripppp* and I looked at my leather seat and there was a V-shaped tear bigger than my hand. :eek: I guess the corner of the tank got caught and tore it. Long story short, brought my car to the auto body shop and (luckily...) it will only cost $125.00 to get the leather repaired. Just thought I would share with you guys :D:main_no:


New Member
lol that sucks

i have 2 free tanks

my neighboor kinda owns his own junk yard n he brought a tank home and tried to sell it .. no one bought it for a few weeks and he finally threw it away right as i was drivin up .. i asked if he was throwin it away n if i could have it .. its 70 gallons easilly


New Member
Lol great story
But isn't it scary to take a tank when you don't know why it was thrown out? Like if the tank had a diseased gecko in it? For example, crypo...can you just wash the tank and the crypo goes away or are you supposed to just throw out the whole tank?


New Member
Lol great story
But isn't it scary to take a tank when you don't know why it was thrown out? Like if the tank had a diseased gecko in it? For example, crypo...can you just wash the tank and the crypo goes away or are you supposed to just throw out the whole tank?

nah i sanitize very well ..
i work at a hospital so i have saniwipes on hand all the time ..
cleans out anything n everything :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Yeah I sanitized my tank very well. And it's going to be staying in the garage until I can find something to do with it...

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