My hatchling...

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
I got a hatchling about two weeks ago, and I'm just curious if this is normal.
He's about two months old, I think. I wanted to check his underside, so I held him with two fingers and looked under, and his belly was kinda blue in some places.
Also, he's just a bit skinny, 'cause when I got him he wouldn't eat for about four days after we got him(his tail's getting fatter), though his stomach is just a bit too fat, while his chest is still kinda skinny like it was before. Is this okay? Or he is impacted?

I'll post pics later today.

Chibi Alien Monster

New Member
San Antonio, TX
Scott&Nikki said:
Is he going to the bathroom?
Yup. He does it every other day.

Is he on sand?
Definitely not. Newspaper.

My guess would be the blue you are seeing is just one of his organs and is nothing bad.
It didn't seem right when I looked, though it was pretty dark when I looked an hour ago, so maybe I just wasn't looking right. :eek:
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New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Well, if he is going to the bathroom and on paper towels, chances are it is not impaction. Get those pictures up when you can, but if it is really bothering you, make an appt with the vet.

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