This is my first year breeding leopard geckos. I am really excited about what I've produced this year, and am waiting for a few more eggs.
Here are my hatchlings so far!
Hatchling 1 - Tremper Albino (tremper x tremper)
(doesn't really look albino in this, bad lighting but it definitely is! I'll get a more recent pic soon):
Hatchling 2 - Blazing Blizzard (tremper x tremper)
(found out the parents were het for blizzard with this hatchling LOL! clutchmate of hatchling 1)
Hatchling 3 - Blizzard (blizzard x blizzard)
Hatchling 4 - Normal (Normal x Normal)
Hatchling 5 - Normal (Normal Normal)
(Clutchmate of 4)
No picture yet, I'll post one soon.
I have 2 blizzard eggs waiting to hatch, and one mystery egg (found in my leo harem xD its either a baby of 2 trempers or a tremper and a snowglow). Also planning to introduce an APTOR to a tremper soon.
Here are my hatchlings so far!
Hatchling 1 - Tremper Albino (tremper x tremper)
(doesn't really look albino in this, bad lighting but it definitely is! I'll get a more recent pic soon):

Hatchling 2 - Blazing Blizzard (tremper x tremper)
(found out the parents were het for blizzard with this hatchling LOL! clutchmate of hatchling 1)

Hatchling 3 - Blizzard (blizzard x blizzard)

Hatchling 4 - Normal (Normal x Normal)

Hatchling 5 - Normal (Normal Normal)
(Clutchmate of 4)
No picture yet, I'll post one soon.
I have 2 blizzard eggs waiting to hatch, and one mystery egg (found in my leo harem xD its either a baby of 2 trempers or a tremper and a snowglow). Also planning to introduce an APTOR to a tremper soon.