MY latest - from Tinley!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I brought home these 3 from Tinley this weekend - all from Paul Sage. YAY for Paul - he's the man when it comes to blizzards!

First is Dr. Evil, and he's an AWESOME LVBB...I mean, talk about WHITE! He has a slight notch in his eyelid (hence the name), which we're both confident was caused by a vitamin deficiency in Mom - none of his siblings were affected. We're not 100% sure he's a "he" ... but with as bulky as his head is, I'm pretty sure we're ok.

I was really interest/surprised to find out that albino blizzards are still mood geckos - but they just go from pinkish to really pink. You can see it in the first two pics. He's also got 2 snake eyes - awesome. Snake eyes are so danged freaky. He also seems the most light sensitive of all of my Rainwater albinos.

Can everyone say he looks like ONE MILLION DOLLARS! MUHAHAHAHA

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
And finally, we have Spice. You can REALLY see the "mood gecko" transition in these pictures. She has 2 snake eyes as well (one is really wild!), but I wasn't able to capture them. Soooo pretty.


Happy Gecko Family
I love your new LVBBs!! Awesome!

One question though, how does LVBB look different to a Tremper BB? Just the eye color?

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Thanks everyone!

There's not a huge difference. I think the Rainwater BBs look a bit more pink than the Trempers. It seems to me that the Trempers have more variation from light to dark (I think because of the temp/color thing). The RWBBs I've seen are pretty equally light and pink, with different amounts of yellow.

The huge benefit to me with working with the RWBBs is that I just plain ol' like Rainwater albinos better. I like the pink colors, and not having to think about temp fluctuations changing your nice white albino brown. I actually don't have a single Tremper in my collection, not even hets. Not that I haven't seen some Trempers that I LOVE, but I have to focus on SOMETHING ... I have a ton of morphs as it is.

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