My Leo is not using her moist hide as much.


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Hey guys.
Since I'm still pretty new at having a leopard gecko I thought I would ask this question just to be safe.
Two days ago my little baby finally shed for the first time in my care. I had assumed she did because I found a small piece of her skin laying next to her when I open her rep the shelter with her in it.
Ever since that day I don't think she's been using the moist hide as much as she did before she shed her skin.
Last night I got home late from work and I found her sleeping underneath one of the little trees I have in the terrarium.
When I checked on her this morning before I left for work I found her sleeping in one of the other hides that is not totally concealed from light. It is one of those hides that you put up against the side of the terrarium and you can see her sleeping in it through the glass but to her it's just another rock with a hole in it.
Now, here's the question: Is she not using the moist hide as much now because she has finally shed her skin?

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New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
I just now got home, and I found her sitting on top of of her moist hide. She has been everywhere but inside of the moist hide.
As far as I know from what I read she is behaving normally. She is eating , pooping , and sleeping like normal. The only things that have changed about her behavior is that she does not seem to like the meal worms as much anymore and she does not go inside of her moist hide. Like I said she now sits under the heat lamp which is only a 25 watt moon light bulb. Could this be happening because she just shed? Could she be getting cold?
I'm not familar with any behavior of a leo so help would be appreciated.

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