My oldest one is 18 and is going strong...shouldn't he be going off to college and getting a job or something? These freeloading reptiles, lol :main_laugh:
On a recent visit to Ron Tremper's, it was an honor to see the father of the original Moose....his name is Bubba. Bubba looks kinda like a big old Mack Snow or a normal. He is 33 years young and still breeding!
Older than me as well. And who says those bigger geckos have shorter life spans?
I always thought their lives in captivity were shorter than in the wild (I mean, theoretically, if they're not eaten by a bird or something).
I think your average number is somewhere around 16-20 years in captivity. Either way, he's a handsome boy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him :sweetheart: He reminds me of one of ours. How big is he?