My Leopard Gecko shedding (video)


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a proud owner of a baby leopard gecko with 2 months. I'm still learning and I think I've read hundreds of threads in this great source of information.

I think she's a High Yellow. I've been feeding her mealworms and little canned crickets from zoomed. I keep a calcium+D3 dish and every 2 days I put some in their food too. I have a uth from exoterra on one side of the terrarium and the temperature is about 32º celsius. I still don't have a termostat cause so far the temperature is stable and they are expensive as hell.

I would like to show you a video I made this weekend. By coincidence my little one decided to shed so I caught it on camera.

I would like to hear your opinions about the video but especially about our baby cause I don't have a term of comparison. Do you guys think that she´s looking healthy, not too thin or too fat, etc, etc.

By the way I'm from Portugal, so, apologies about some not-so-good english.

Here's the vid:

Cheers to all.


New Member
i caught mine last night, her body was ghost white so i knew she would be shedding soon.... i misted her and set her in her moist hide.... the next thing i knew she came out with it all around her tail!


New Member
LOVED it when she ate out of your hand!

She is gorgeous!

Thanks for your kind words.

Eating on my hand is how I'm trying to tame her. I don't know if it's the right way to do it, but she's no longer afraid of me when I put my hand inside the terrarium.

I have a turtle too and I can pick her with no problems at all since she was really tinny. The gecko is much more fragile I think, and I'm afraid of hurting her if I try to force her to come into my hands.

By the way, she loves those canned crickets.



That is a great video! That is adorable when she comes into your hand to eat. What is her size in grams?


New Member
That is a great video! That is adorable when she comes into your hand to eat. What is her size in grams?

I have no idea.

Someone who is a breeder told me that she's not a high yellow, but a hypo.

I've done some reading and I tend to believe that she's really a hypo and not a high yellow as I thought.

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