My little family


Freelance Artist
Atlanta, Georgia
Well.. what was going to be individual images turned out to be two separate collages due to all the photos I took in the end! Typing this up as I'm feeding my group now but here they are! It's amazing how they've grown since I took them in as wee little shrimps (the little one still is but he/she's definitely grown!) and posted their photos online - you can see them in my colony section.

Here's the collages and their subsequent descriptor text down below in the Artist's comment box. Yes I am aware that the little one is in a small container right now, but he will soon be moved and settled as soon as I can get shelves in to get everything set and prepped for finishing the tank sets that I want to install.

Little Albino

The Matriarch Natesa and Inquisitive Yaheri

The plants and stuff are relics from the fishkeeping days and are serving as privacy covers for them until I can get their proper scenic prop finished, parts of which you can see in the little one's images.

I'm not sure of their exact morphs, but I know Darai is at least a Patternless with some CT (I'm still learning all the codes to the morphs, it helps to see the morph spelled out next to the code) possible. Natesa is likely a mix of Hi-Color and Jungle - not entirely sure on that as her spots are exclusively on her grey zones and rather symmetrically - the kink is genetic - it has always been there since I got her and yes I feed them plenty of calcium with every meal with their vitamins as well as supplying a capsule of calcium powder in their tank that she likes to scatter around ¬.¬ silly gecko. Yaheri herself I know is at least a Normal mixed with something else because her spots stick pretty close to where her grey patches were.

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