I go to the one in San Diego. I got Tecate and my pacman frog there this last year. I am thinking leachie next year ;-) Tecate is the guy below, he doesn't like the camera much....
Haha, love how he's just like whatever. SD is too far away from me, so I go to the Pomona one. It should be mainly the same vendors, I believe. West Coast always overprices. I got my first one from them, deformed feet and $60. Not a great morph either, and they consider like 10% orange a carrot tail. I got my small one from Sin City, great gecko at $60 as well. Your Gecko Guy has some good stuff if you know what you're looking for. Got a tangerine with nearly 50% carrot tail at only $40.
So.... out of curiosity..... I just looked at the sites for the vendors you just mentioned. And holy moly on West Coast pricing?! They had gecko gals looking identical to Zatoichi for $250!! That is nuts! I really need to study the morphs on leopard geckos.... I'm not following it very well. I get Cresties.... but they are a bit different than most since they are polymorphic.
You were probably looking at Diablo Blancos. They're pretty much white-pink geckos that have red eyes, no idea why everyone's so crazy about them.
They do have SOME nice geckos, but they overprice. I could've gotten the same exact thing for like $20-30.
They pretty much rip off beginners, and they're extremely rough.
They had these stickers under the deli cups that the geckos were in, and to look at it, i wouldve lifted it above my head, they just straight up flipped it over.
Aw..... that's not cool. I don't get people that treat reptiles like objects. I understand it is a business, and they are making a living and blah blah blah... but it is a living creature. Bottom line. There is also a point where you need to realize what is best for an animal over cost. I have 'wall flower' geckos.... unbreedable for one reason or another.... but deserve a safe, happy home. I breed cresties, and sell them.... but for example, an educational program contacted me to buy a baby for their workshops with kids and elderly.... I GAVE them 2 geckos. It was the better thing to do. I just don't get the mentality of some people in the industry. Ok, sorry..... off my soap box now.
Yes. Shirley. she is a doll. Loves to be held too, she actually went to the educational program. They were excited to have an example of that, as well as a very hand able gecko. I may end up volunteering with them at some point to talk about the cresties. Gotta love spreadin' the word of why geckos are awesome!!
Turns out my little Cupcake is a wallflower. I got her from a private pet store here San Diego and she grew up to have a really curvy spine. It isn't a calcium issue though- she has big sacs for a juvie.... its just a deformity. Most likely crappy breeding- they do it in house, and now that I know better- I can tell you it isn't the best looking set up.