My new Crestie.....


New Member
more than I should have spent, lol.....$150 plus $45 shipping. I really needed/ wanted a good red male. He is super tame too. Loves to be held.


New Member
Just fired up. He is kinda mustard brown when hes fired down. He fires up a lot though, which is fun


New Member
I go to the one in San Diego. I got Tecate and my pacman frog there this last year. I am thinking leachie next year ;-) Tecate is the guy below, he doesn't like the camera much....

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Haha, love how he's just like whatever. SD is too far away from me, so I go to the Pomona one. It should be mainly the same vendors, I believe. West Coast always overprices. I got my first one from them, deformed feet and $60. Not a great morph either, and they consider like 10% orange a carrot tail. I got my small one from Sin City, great gecko at $60 as well. Your Gecko Guy has some good stuff if you know what you're looking for. Got a tangerine with nearly 50% carrot tail at only $40.


New Member
So.... out of curiosity..... I just looked at the sites for the vendors you just mentioned. And holy moly on West Coast pricing?! They had gecko gals looking identical to Zatoichi for $250!! That is nuts! I really need to study the morphs on leopard geckos.... I'm not following it very well. I get Cresties.... but they are a bit different than most since they are polymorphic.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
You were probably looking at Diablo Blancos. They're pretty much white-pink geckos that have red eyes, no idea why everyone's so crazy about them.
They do have SOME nice geckos, but they overprice. I could've gotten the same exact thing for like $20-30.
They pretty much rip off beginners, and they're extremely rough.
They had these stickers under the deli cups that the geckos were in, and to look at it, i wouldve lifted it above my head, they just straight up flipped it over.


New Member
Aw..... that's not cool. I don't get people that treat reptiles like objects. I understand it is a business, and they are making a living and blah blah blah... but it is a living creature. Bottom line. There is also a point where you need to realize what is best for an animal over cost. I have 'wall flower' geckos.... unbreedable for one reason or another.... but deserve a safe, happy home. I breed cresties, and sell them.... but for example, an educational program contacted me to buy a baby for their workshops with kids and elderly.... I GAVE them 2 geckos. It was the better thing to do. I just don't get the mentality of some people in the industry. Ok, sorry..... off my soap box now. :oops:


New Member
Yes. Shirley. she is a doll. Loves to be held too, she actually went to the educational program. They were excited to have an example of that, as well as a very hand able gecko. I may end up volunteering with them at some point to talk about the cresties. Gotta love spreadin' the word of why geckos are awesome!!


New Member
Turns out my little Cupcake is a wallflower. I got her from a private pet store here San Diego and she grew up to have a really curvy spine. It isn't a calcium issue though- she has big sacs for a juvie.... its just a deformity. Most likely crappy breeding- they do it in house, and now that I know better- I can tell you it isn't the best looking set up.

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