My new gecko babies!


New Member
Hello peoples! This is my second post!
I am not a first time owner of leopard geckos, had one in 1994.
But these are my new and only leopard geckos I currently have now and am extremely excited about them!
Got them indirectly from LLL Reptile, through my farm supply, we haven't had a pet store here for 5 years haha.
They are an Aptor, Super Snow, and an Albino. Not sure what kind of albino he is, though.
I am quite excited about having geckos again and can't wait to start taming them :D

Unfortunately it looks like something is wrong with the little albino, mbd I am not sure, so I posted in the health area of the leopard gecko forum. :(

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of albino he is? I have no idea how to tell the difference between the types.

And on an unrelated sidenote, I just have to share, my tortoise, Cappy, who ran away a couple of months ago, has returned today! I did not think I would be seeing him again!


New Member
Thank you! I love him too, so I am very glad I just happened to see him basking in the grass yesterday! :D


New Member
gecko care

I am new I just love my 2 gecko
i heard 2 females can live in te same tank is that true i bought meal worms and they wont touch them
i dont know if they are tiger or leopard . can someone advise me on bedding and food and temperature please .It will be greatly appreciated

sincerely maryv

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I live by LLLreptile,and go to their store biweekly.good people.anyways,the albino you purchased is most likely tremper,as LLL labels their Tremper Albinos as just Albinos because it is the most common strain.i too just got an APTOr a couple weeks ago.LLL is nice because they sell geckos by morph,and not by specimen,so you can pay $40 for a completely patternless solid red eyed raptor,and pay the same for a snake eyed raptor with all kinds of pattern.nice pickups!


New Member
Awesome thanks for clarifying that for me about the albino. I wish I lived near LLL Reptile, or any pet store for that matter :p
@MaryV, I am fairly new to geckos myself, I know somewhere on this site is an excellent and informative caresheet for leopard geckos, if that is the species they are. I would definitely post some pics of them on the forum here and people can identify what kind of geckos they are for you. It is important to know their species so you know what kind of specific care they will need. If they are leopards and not eating meal worms, maybe try crickets?

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