My premie is getting better


New Member
Seminole, Fl
How about I thought I'd share that our first leo that we all thought hatched a bit early started to turn. Her one eye she would keep closed and she would walk sort of off kilter like there was a neurological problem. Since she was so small-under a gram, our vet said to try to hand feed her and give slurry (told him about Marcia's great stuff).
So now, after about 2 weeks, she's so much better. Both her eyes are wide open and she's chasing crickets like there's no tommorrow, and also gaining weight, and is walking/running normal.
Odd thing was, she kept shedding, even though she wasn't eating much or gaining or losing weight. So he-vet-is thinking she was an early hatcher too. We're thinking maybe she just needed to work out some development stuff. I honestly think it was the temp fluctuation in incubation. But I think she may turn out to be a tang, still early to tell, but more and more of the black/brown bands are fading and she's getting more orange like mum.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Glad to hear she is doing better!!! Sometimes, excess shedding is an indicator or stress... but it sounds like she is going to catch up with her growth!

gko reptiles

A New Generation
Congrats!! We had a baby that was doing the EXACT same thing when we first started breeding... he was given to us by a local breeder because the breeder didn't know what was wrong with him. Unfortunately, our little guy didn't make it :( But I'm so happy to hear that there is a cure for this wierd... umm... malfunction?!! Congratulations on curing your little one!!!

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