My Reptile Zoo


New Member
Alright, well I said I would put up pictures of my new Leo' I've decided to put up pictures of all of my lizards lol. So, this may take a while to load fro a lot of you :S, so I apologize for that, but one of the pictures I needed to have very high resolution on because there is a very faint pattern on his back that I need some confirmation on. So here we go.

First is the male SHCT. If you look on the back there are some very faint black dots right along the middle. They are hard to see but are visible in this image. The previous owner said that when he was young the stripe was very visible and then slowly lost color as he aged. When he sheds it's supposed to be a lot brighter, but haven't had him long enough for that unfortunately.
Also, as a side note, he finally let me hold him for about 45 seconds before flipping out and bolting. So, 45 second victory for me :) (he's very sketchy on holding...hates it). Here he is lol.
His name is Mac!

...and pic two

Next is the first of the two female SHCT's. She's not as bright in the tail as the other, but her body is very bright. She's still a little iffy on the holding, but I've had a little success. She tolerates sitting on my hand, but just like the other female, if you so much as poke or try to pick her up she bolts. She's getting better though...both females are.
Her name is And (as in the word 'and')

...look at her cute face :)

Alright, this is the second female SHCT. She's got the brightest tail of the two, but her body is a lot lighter than the other. She's still beautiful either way though. She's getting a lot better with handling too. I've been working with all the SHCT's...they were very skittish and makes me think that maybe the owner didn't handle them much.
Her name is Cheese. If anyone wants to put the three names together it's quite ingenius :p.

...this pic is blurry but I think it's cute :)

I'm going to break this up into two posts cause I think there's a post limit size or yeah will be doing that :p.
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New Member
Part Two!

Alright, this is the runt of my four new ones. She's supposed to be a RW/Jungle, but she doesn't have much of a jungle pattern and doesn't look much like an albino (her color is different than a normal though, but I'm unfamiliar with the coloration of a RW/LV). Anywho, she's almost an adult, but obviously as you can see in the photo she's not anywhere near the right size. I have looked at her stool and it doesn't look abnormal, not runny or anything. I am going to get all 4 new ones checked for parasites anyway, just in case, but maybe if someone has had geckos that never grew it would alleviate my worries that something is wrong.
Of the four new ones, she's actually the sweetest...except when it comes to eating, cause she's freaking violent when she eats. But, she comes out walks on my hand sits there and watches me and is just a little darling. I have no idea what to name her yet though :(. Something that has to do with pasta since that seems like the running theme in my leo's...
Anywho, here she is :D

Look at these wicked eyes!

Next is Noodles! I got him from Marcia at Golden Gate Geckos. He originally had a lot of orange on his tail, but it's all sorta gone away with age. But he's gained a lot of weight in the last few months after a hunger strike. His tail is biiiiiiig now. He's a jungle if you can't tell :p.

And his darling face :D

Next is Melly. I got her from someone who needed money to buy a skateboard...silly kid. Anywho, found her in the paper and scooped her right up. She's been nothing but a joy since. I probably won't ever breed her, she's getting a little old now, but she's still been a joy to have. Very loveable and friendly and all that :). She's lost a few toes due to some bad sheds :(.
Anywho, here she is :D.

And her face :)

And just for your viewing pleasure, here is my big beardie CheChe. I need to get him a girlfriend :S. He's probably lonely :p. Well, probably not, he sort of hates everyone. Had a long bout with coccidia a long while ago and ever since he's sort of had an attitude. Never bites, but he gives me that look like he hates me. In any case, he shot up like a tree when I cleaned him up.
Enjoy :D


Anywho, that's my family :). If Marcia see's this, I forgot to save the image she had online of the one I'm getting from her in September (Chocolate Tremper Alb. Jungle), if she would like to post that you all could see who'll be joining this zoo soon :).


Nice animals! I especially like your jungle albino. I've never seen a leo with brown eyes like hers! She is so dark that I would guess she is a tremper.



New Member
I hope she sprouts quickly or something so I could potentially breed her...I really really really do.


thats funny, the part about the kid selling the geko to get a skate board, because i sold my skateboard to buy some


New Member
Ah, yeah. I actually had never heard of a leopard gecko up until that point, and now they are probably my favorite lizard to keep :)

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