My three "monkeys"...


New Member
I bought 3 leopard geckos in September. I have no idea how old they were, but they were fairly young. I have made collages for each of them and I'm hoping they will upload ok. :D The first picture in each collage is the day I got them and the other pictures are from today. The scaling on the size of the pics may be off a little since I was in a hurry and did it manually. What do you guys think about Tiki? She's the first one. She was the same size as the others when I got her. Everything is normal. Activity level, mannerisms, poop, and her eating is normal for her. She doesn't eat quite as much as the other two, but she has been that way since I got her 4 months ago. She's not being bullied either. What do you guys think?

Edit - I added one more picture of Tiki that is better quality so you can see her a little better. :)
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New Member
Toronto ,Canada
I bought 3 leopard geckos in September. I have no idea how old they were, but they were fairly young. I have made collages for each of them and I'm hoping they will upload ok. :D The first picture in each collage is the day I got them and the other pictures are from today. The scaling on the size of the pics may be off a little since I was in a hurry and did it manually. What do you guys think about Tiki? She's the first one. She was the same size as the others when I got her. Everything is normal. Activity level, mannerisms, poop, and her eating is normal for her. She doesn't eat quite as much as the other two, but she has been that way since I got her 4 months ago. She's not being bullied either. What do you guys think?

Edit - I added one more picture of Tiki that is better quality so you can see her a little better. :)

Why would u say that she's not being bullied?


New Member
I watch them throughout the day and at feeding time. I'm also a night owl, so I do watch some through the night and I don't really notice anything. She is normally in the hide that they all prefer and there never seems to be a problem with the others kicking her out. When they feed, she doesn't seem to be pushed around and neither of the other two get in her way with eating. I really don't feel like the others are bullying her, but maybe I'm missing something. I am going to start feeding her on her own for a while and see what happens. :)

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Tiki looks healthy to me... nice chubby tail symetrical body condition, good color. What is your set up like? apparently they all live together. Do you know their genders? It really isn't fair to compare 1 leo to another as they can all differ even from the same clutch. Some are larger, some are smaller. Some eat more some eat less. Some are more affected by seasonal changes some aren't. some are more sensitive to stress, others could care less.

You may not see visible signs of bullying but the communal living could be stressing her out. Leos aren't communal animals. Some can do it and cope well... others not so much.


New Member
Thank you everyone! Right now they are in a 30 gallon tank, but I am working on creating another tank with 2 levels and will give them more space to roam. I will definitely add another food dish as soon as I can get the other tank finished. They do all live together. When we first got them we thought we had one male (Yoshi) and two females and we kept Yoshi separate for about a month until we realized that he was actually a she. I have 3 females. The tank has a hot hide, cold hide and a humid hide and they are all decent sized. They all like the hot hide and the humid hide and don't venture to the cold hide very often. Temp is 95 in the hot hide and 74ish in the cool hide. Yoshi did beef up quite a bit. :main_laugh: I have laughed because she feels like she ate lead for breakfast when you pick her up. Izzylooks a little smaller, but I think she is actuallly heavier than Yoshi. Tiki is a light weight. :main_cool3:


New Member
More developments... :D I was finally able to figure out the genders. With their ages, it was always hard to tell. It turns out that I have 2 females and a male. Tiki and Yoshi are females and Izzy is a male. I also finally got a new food scale and have sizes to post up. :main_thumbsup: Izzy is 58 grams, Yoshi is 52 grams, and little Tiki is 38 grams. I have also gotten a new habitat set up for Tiki until she gets a little meatier. :p I will be watching Izzy and Yoshi to make sure there are no signs of distress since they are one on one male and female, however this is set up is only temporary. Once Tiki gains a little bit of weight and I know that she is eating good, I will put the male in the tank by himself and the two females together. Thank you everyone for your input! :D

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