My Trip to Oz! (DU Warning!!!)



So a little background here and I'll try to make it short. Back in December I had a co-worker that found out I keep reptiles and told me her sister had a Leopard Gecko she did not want. I agreed to take him and fell in love with Leo's! I love watching this guy stalk his crix and mealies!

Well on with the story. I decided I wanted a couple of more. Another friend told me of a Leo breeder near here (San Antonio) a few months back. So I looked up ol' boys website and it was very impressive. Needless to say his prices were way beyond what a single dad who works for a living can afford! LOL! :main_laugh: I still sent him an email telling him what I would like to have. He invited me out to his place to see what we could come up with. I finally got the time to head out there (after 2 months) last Wednesday so off I went!

Let me say I have never in my wildest dreams seen a place like this! 10,000 square feet of reptile heaven! Several people scurrying about cleaning cages, feeding, separating hatchlings, pulling eggs, etc. I got to look at such beauties as Diablo Blanco, Moose, and just about any other killer morph you can imagine!

Well he gave me a killer deal on some beautiful female Leo's. He spent about an hour pumping my head full of all the information I could handle in that amount of time.

So here's some pics!

This the one I adopted from the coworker. His name is Fedor. Check out the ugly home made hide. I tried to replace it with a flower pot hide and he would not go in for 2 days. I put the home made hide back in and he sauntered in right away!


Still a little camera shy.


Here's a pic of the little girl I picked up. I still haven't named them yet. :main_laugh: The camera flash & paper towel kind of washed out some of her color.


Here's a pic of the big girl.


Here's their temporary home.


I lifted both hides out to take pictures and the little one ran straight up under and hid beneath the big girl!


Big girl is a clown and a climber!


Last one of the big girl.



They aren't the fanciest or the biggest but I'm extremely happy with them! I think they make a great start to the collection. I'm planning a trip back in a couple of weeks to pick up a 1.1 Super giant pair.

Thanks for looking! :main_thumbsup:


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Nice leo's. just look out for the smaller one if your going to keep them together. Make sure she's getting her fair share of food, and not getting bullied.:)


woooh looks like somebody got a tour of Tremper's facility, nice!
The girls look great... I LOVE the simply clean and cute set ups

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