I guess I haven't posted pictures of my 2 trouble makers yet.. but I will..
Quick background story.. orphan babies.. They were about 2 weeks old... They were found in a barn.. there were 3 kittens.. but one went MIA. The black one was found upside down with a board laying across him.. he wasn't moving much.. so luckily I work for a vet.. after hours of crying.. he pooped something out.. that look like it was his intenstine.. it was stuck.. cry cry cry.. I went and had them checked out! They were ok..
Thank goodness.. The black one was still the little runt.. and didn't eat so much.. then all of sudden.. he started being a little jerk.. he now bullies the tabby all the time.. my sweet little girl. You would never know now that he probably would of been dead in a week he was so dehydrated and malnourished.. the tabby was way more vibrant! Always hungry.. always wanting to move!
And thus begins the story of my babies!
Meet Cash and June.. most people don't get their names. .:main_rolleyes:
Cash is my little man in black..
I go to school full time.. so.. when they needed to be bottle fed and pottied.. yes.. I pottied my kittens.. I wanna be a vet.. it doesn't gross me out..
Anyways.. I brought them to school with me.. and snuck them into one of the clubs I belong to room.
June is the tabby!
Someone didn't want to be held!!
And yes she loveeddd it.. she'd purr and everything
Omg.. tooooooo many pictures! They are 7 months now.. so I'll just jump ahead..
Ok.. this is like 2 months back.
Quick background story.. orphan babies.. They were about 2 weeks old... They were found in a barn.. there were 3 kittens.. but one went MIA. The black one was found upside down with a board laying across him.. he wasn't moving much.. so luckily I work for a vet.. after hours of crying.. he pooped something out.. that look like it was his intenstine.. it was stuck.. cry cry cry.. I went and had them checked out! They were ok..
And thus begins the story of my babies!
Meet Cash and June.. most people don't get their names. .:main_rolleyes:
Cash is my little man in black..
I go to school full time.. so.. when they needed to be bottle fed and pottied.. yes.. I pottied my kittens.. I wanna be a vet.. it doesn't gross me out..
Anyways.. I brought them to school with me.. and snuck them into one of the clubs I belong to room.
June is the tabby!
Someone didn't want to be held!!
And yes she loveeddd it.. she'd purr and everything
Omg.. tooooooo many pictures! They are 7 months now.. so I'll just jump ahead..
Ok.. this is like 2 months back.